I've a gazillion ideas (mostly for websites I want to create) and few of the skills required to implement them. For now, I just have to focus on: getting round to learning to use PHP and MySQL in my 'spare time,' or, rather less plausibly, clawing my way to a position where I can hire people to do the web design for me.
In the meantime, check out a list of some of the best books I've read within the past 7 years! For reviews, click on the book titles to visit my GoodReads profile.
Rating system:
5 stars = Must-read (or must-wanna-read) for info about our impact on our surroundings;
4 stars = Not for everyone, but certainly an integral part of me now;
3 stars = Merits (e.g. unique content, fluid writing style) mixed with flaws (e.g. gratuitously provocative claims, less-than-stellar editing, repetitive sections).
In case anyone's interested, I've also put up a collection of thoughts about some aspects of human behaviour, false beliefs, paradigm shifts, quirky observations, things like that. Mostly intuitive stuff that's dead obvious once you start thinking about it, but intriguing if you'ven't quite thought it through before.
I've also listed some of my favourite time-saving tools and details on how to use them.
For fun, I Javascripted together a little calculator called the Cleverer Quantifier to assign estimated numerical values to the amount of information we learn and retain over time. Check out the description and the lengthier intro for details.
Also for fun, I programmed a quick-and-dirty script to tackle the Travelling Salesman problem and map out short (though not always the shortest) routes.


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